Originally Posted by imk
how can i make my forum quicker? it loads very slow but why and how can i speed up without losing the style to much
i hava Vserver so i don't think this is the problem but the CPU is very high!
You can do a number of things. One thing many of us do is to offload static content to a CDN or another server.
Originally Posted by Marco van Herwaarden
With all due respects Marco, there are a lot of things that can be done besides changing the vB configuration files. It would be more helpful if folks here would facilitate a discussion versus your standard reply of always pointing people here over to vBulletin.com each time this question is asked. Personally, I have never found the folks over at vBulletin.com to be much help in this area, sorry. They pick and choose what help to give and demand everyone follow a very lengthy template to get a reply. This approach should not be the only way for users to get help. Lighten up and permit vB users to have a discussion without always promoting another "sister" site! Thank you!