I am looking after a site which has a vbulletin forum on which is quite small. There was an issue with an advertisements mod, which was causing multiple sleep processes writing to another DB and grinding the forum to a halt. Since disabling this modification the forum flies.
However, when replying to a post, the user replying sticks on the reply screen for ten seconds, before being taken back to the thread where they made the reply. However, the reply is registered within one second on the forum. I have tested this with two browsers open.
The server the forum is on, is extremely highly spec'd out. It hosts several sites and several forums, including a fairly active Political Forum -
www.politicsandcurrentaffairs.co.uk , which is extremely responsive.
The server spec is:
DUAL Processor Quad Core E5420 (2.5GHZ, 2X6MB, 1333MHZ FSB)
8GB Memory
2 500GB SATA II Drives 7200RPM mirrored.
The load on the server is minimal.
I have stripped back all mods on the forum and tested, including just using the default VBulletin skin, yet we still encounter the same problem when replying to a post.
The forum in question is:
Any ideas?