Originally Posted by hqarrse
A final note. I strongly recommend that you protect chat_login.php from access by any IP except the chat server. The script allows rapid unrestricted testing of username/password pairs and is therefore a major security weakpoint. I have posted this on the 123Flashchat forums and hope they will include this in their docs or protect the script in some way.
That's a great idea! thank you. but it only works for apache web server, and it will be a little bit complicated to configure the web server, to edit .htaccess or httpd.conf ,
and here is a solution to resolve it, just add the code below in the beginning of login_chat.php
PHP Code:
$sAllowedIPs = ""; // Set allowd ip addresses, config sample: $sAllowedIPs = ",";
if (trim($sAllowedIPs))
$aAllowedIPs = array_map("trim", explode(',',$sAllowedIPs));
if(!in_array($sIP, $aAllowedIPs)) exit;