Originally Posted by EquinoxWorld
Thanks David, superb work, as usual from the DragonByte Tech team. I highly recommend their mods. Great support and very stable products!.
Thanks for the kind words EquinoxWorld
Originally Posted by CharlieDelta
Hi Dave,
Thanks for the update. It seems now when I try to change the mood I get this
Any ideas?
That is intended. If you would like to remove this, take a look in the dbtech_status_mood_postbit and dbtech_status_mood_memberinfo templates.
Originally Posted by RobbieZ
Is it possible to split up the status and mood positions?
I would like status centred below avatar.
And move the mood further down postbit legacy maybe above the gifts etc.
Thanks if poss 
This is currently not a feature built in but would be very possible for advanced users via a few template/file edits. I will look into having more/separate positions for future versions!
- David