Originally Posted by apokphp
Found the points area, thanks. I optimized what I could (by changing point values to zero on some activities...if that does anything).
However, a few questions:
1) When do you recommend recounting the Achievements? How do you know when you should recount them?
In normal case - never. This is just required if you changed something, for example added a new achievement.
Originally Posted by apokphp
2) Also, for the option "Limit the Award to a position in query; Use 0 for GOLD Award, 1 for Silver, etc..."...where you can select Gold, Silver or Bronze, what exactly does this mean?
With this setting you can define multiple awards like first, second and third place
Originally Posted by apokphp
3) For the "Referrals" activity... the award is not matching up with what shows in the statistics. The award winner isn't even close to being in the top 3. What's going on?
btw, thanks for the terrific support. Like others have said...it's probably the best supported mod here.
How many awards did you enabled for one user? Depending on that setting it can be that a user gets another award.
Originally Posted by DS MrSinister
Thanks Phalynx.
Working great.

Great news, I will add to the official ZIP. Thanks!
Originally Posted by apokphp
Man, I'm still getting tons of sql errors. It looks like it happens when the cronjob runs.
vBExperience is only recounting via cronjob.
Originally Posted by apokphp
Until the cronjob sql error is resolved, I have to disable this modification. Great mod...just not working for my community for some reason. I even edited the cronjob's time to go every 20 mins (vs 10)...still didn't help.
It seems your server or just the SQL server is not able to handle it. I got this "server gone" error whenever MySQL reached the limit for open connections. Did you tried already to use persistent connections? ("usepconnect" in config.php)