Sorry everybody I've been a way for ciuple of days
Originally Posted by Sal Collaziano
I just installed this plugin. It works nicely but I cannot enforce the sidebar. Is there a reason why I'm not seeing anything pertaining to the copy/paste below on my AdminCP?
Optional step to force sidebar to be always visible and hide collapse button :
11. Go to mod options
Admincp->Settings->options->EveryWhere Sidebar (ESB) options
12. Set "Don't hide ESB switch" to "yes" and save.
Very odd!!!
Can you post your forumurl please?
Originally Posted by Front Range
Is there some manual edits I can do to the templates for my custom style to get this to work? As it is on all but FORUMHOME it displays below the forums. TIA!
Originally Posted by eues
I have this problem too!!
Originally Posted by eues
there's a screenshot to show you guys better what we mean! thanks a lot if you can help me
ok guys anytime you see this it means something is changing the forum home template before the ESB.
The mod is searching for
PHP Code:
<div id="pagetitle">
to insert the ESB. If this is changed then you need to change that to what you have in your forumhome template.
you can chage it from forumhome_complete hi\ook of the mod
search for
PHP Code:
$sidebarext_search = '<div id="pagetitle">';
and change to fine whatever page title div is used in your forum
Originally Posted by Robert Carver
Great product, but I have a question concerning the spacing between the sidebar blocks.
Over at, Lynne shared some css that would allow us to put some spacing between the various blocks. Below is a link to that thread...
Anyway, when I use Everywhere Sidebar, it will override the above css and put the blocks back in their original state; with the blocks all touching each other. I would like to keep the spacing that Lynne's code allows me to do, so if anyone has an idea where I can go to adjust the spacing between blocks when Everyside Sidebar is enabled, I would most appreciate it.
ok for fast fix
open ESB template "sidebarext_temp"
search for
PHP Code:
<!--[if IE 6]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{vb:raw vbcsspath}forumbits-ie.css" /><![endif]-->
add below your aditional style settings
PHP Code:
/* Put spaces between blocks on forumhome page */
#sidebar_container .underblock {background: none; height: 10px;}
#sidebar_container > ul {
-webkit-border-radius:: 0px;
-moz-box-shadow: none;
#sidebar_container .block {
background-color:{vb:stylevar forum_sidebar_background.backgroundColor};
border:{vb:stylevar forum_sidebar_border};
-moz-border-radius:{vb:stylevar border_radius};
-webkit-border-radius: {vb:stylevar border_radius};
-moz-box-shadow:-2px 2px 2px {vb:stylevar shadow_color};
and you will get a very nice good looking sidebar