Wow. Sounds like this guy is not only hocking AOL service (I wonder if he's getting a kickback for actually saying AOL is "responsible" and "trusted." Also, what is he trying to do? Take out the local service providers? Let one global company run the entire internet? By this section alone I'm peeved at the guy.
AMD processors, regardless of where they are made, have no point in being in a converstion with 'hackers.' Blah!
But, as this is a satire, I tried to calm down after reading it. However, this last bit really got me.
This article is directed mostly at sons, since daughters rarely have the skills to become a hacker. However, it's just as important to watch out for your daughters. Let me explain.
Girls that try to enter the "hacking scene" try to emulate many of the superficial things the boys do, but they rarely have the actual skills to be doing anything illegal.
"Well," you're thinking, "No harm, no foul, right?"
Girls in the hacking scene are commonly known as "scene whores," and this is for a very specific reason. While your girls may not be breaking any laws, they may be throwing themselves at the feet of pimpled teenage hacker geeks, looking for love and attention.
Do you really want a pasty geek felon as your son in law?
Damn him. damn him to hell.