Originally Posted by Hippy
People been having problems since vb starting using the forum.php
the index.php is still there as well but its kind of like a redirect..
unless in your admincp you have index set in the option> Forums Home Page Options
(This option allows you to set the script name of the page that acts as your forum home page. By default this will be 'forum' (meaning forum.php but you may want to call it whatever else you like for your own purposes.
If you change this value you must manually rename the forumhome PHP script to match the new value.)
admincp > arcade > information youll see this notice
Your forum's mainpage is forum.php - please make sure to adapt your /index.php otherwise scores won't be recorded!
You will find detailed instructions in the ibProArcade-archive: INFO - vbadvanced or other Portal.txt
option> Forums Home Page Options - This is set to index (as it has always been)
admincp > arcade > information - No notice
I will try the index edit posted above, but I ask, how was I supposed to know about this edit when it is not in the install procedure document? I would not have looked in any kind of portal related info, since I do not use a portal.