Originally Posted by Spinball
What Internet Brands didn't realise was that the savvy vBulletin admins had loyalty to the people developing the product more than the product itself.
So when Kier, Scott, Mike and the others left, so did the loyalty of the savvy vBulletin admin.
I expressed concern at the time, but Ray's reply was that they had not lost experience from the team.    
A large number (if not the majority) of the savvy vBulletin admin are still with version 3.
Those people, myself included, are excited to see XenForo because we know that Kier and Mike know what they are doing. Looking at their software, it is patently obvious.
Yes Kier , Scott , Mike's departure from vBulletin was a huge loss within vB Team however why vB failed has nothing to do with Developer quality. Things would not be different even they were on team.