True, I had not thought about the files falling out of date, good point.
In regards to the rounding, I understand what you mean on that now. Can we possible add something so viewing the decimals in the postbit and the transaction log are different? I would like to see all the decimals .000 in the transaction log, but I'd prefer the postbit and profile area just show the normal with no decimals. I hope I said that correctly and did not confuse you.
In regards to marking installed, I'm already a pro member over at DBtech so I get emails from there everytime something is upgraded. No biggie, I like being notified when something is updated. The problem with that is I also then get notified here. Getting messages from both places for each product can get a bit annoying. I can just stop asking things here if you prefer, I just wish I had more time in the evening to do my coding and that I was not blocked from access DBtech from work. /sigh again.
Thanks for answering all my questions. Great product.