Originally Posted by Darkwaltz4
Both of you need to set negation amounts on the post events. The way it works is that during editing, it negates the event and then reissues it, so that any different in credits will be realized. So if you didnt put a negation, then you effectively get a new reward by just editing your post.
I do have negation amounts set. Maybe this was not the cause, but some of my members have more points than the transaction log shows them to have. Just out of curiousity, what point values do you use for post amount and character amount? I am using 1 pt for post and .001 for characters. Could the number of decimals cause an issue.
Originally Posted by Darkwaltz4
You can already do this. Set the event to Charge, then if you put a value on the Donate Amount = flat fee, Currency Amount = percentage fee (entered as a decimal). both work together, and you select who to apply it to (sender or receiver). You could, if you wanted, also award for donating at the same time 
Well look at that. Always learning something new. Thanks.