phalynx: i found something strange with attachment consume points, i install default vbulletin and trying to use the consume points on attachment download, and found in the statistic manage custom point,
07-30-2010 02:45 PM, (missing username)
Points: -500, Downloaded attachment dfdfdf.rar
07-30-2010 02:45 PM, (missing username)
Points: -500, Downloaded attachment dfdfdf.rar
07-30-2010 02:45 PM, (missing username)
Points: -500, Downloaded attachment dfdfdf.rar
07-30-2010 02:45 PM, (missing username)
Points: -500, Downloaded attachment dfdfdf.rar
but no user id after (07-30-2010 02:45 PM,) thats why its not substract the user point, thank you very much