Originally Posted by RollaJedi
I think we should start posting suggestions for Achievements and the condition we use to earn each of them. A lot of those conditions i'm a little leary on how to operate it.
Is there a way to get an achievement based upon if a person fills out a particular profile field maybe?
Yes. Via plugins (read more about it in ZIP\extras\Custom Data Provider) you can collect points for this and set the achievement to this field.
Originally Posted by Veer
Will this mod work with latest DBTech vBShop?
And I didn't found any option to completely disable awards.
No, vBShop is not compatible. It's just compatible with Point Market System.
AdminCP, Settings, Experience: Awards, Use Award -> No should disable them.
Originally Posted by RollaJedi
i have a problem with the achievements, Phalynx. I have gotten rid of all of the default achievements and started making my own. I dont have very many, maybe 10 or so. What the problem is, is I have an image of a little medal that appears before every one of my members real achievements. I dont use this image at all in any of the achievements. Its location is:
If you hover your pointer over it, it says '25' or '50'. All of my users have this image though and i'd like to get rid of it and whatever is making it do this. I checked the 'manage achievements' several times and there is nothing there that would cause this to show up.
Here is a pic of what i'm talking about :
This image is a replacement for a non existent image. Please check the achievement that has 25 or 50 as a description. If you don't have such an achievement, it must be an old one that is listed in issued achievements. The easiest way to clear the cache is to clear issued achievements and run a recount on achievements ("Clear all issued Achievements and Logs"). (don't use the option to clear and create default achievements!!!)
Originally Posted by miket1234
its possible to get this error because i have MySQL Version : 4.1.22?
Yes, vBExperience is not compatible with this very old MySQL version.