Hi all,
I am working on an API to allow an external site to create and update accounts in vB4.
All is working fine when creating and updating accounts with default fields like username/password/email.
However, we have some custom fields defined in the 'User Profile Field Manager'; they are named field1/field2.../field5 etc.
This is part of the code that falls over when attempting to create an account including a custom field:
PHP Code:
// init user datamanager class
$newuser =& datamanager_init('User', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_ARRAY);
// set username
$newuser->set('username', $username, true);
// set email
$newuser->set('email', $email, true);
// set password
$newuser->set('password', $password, true);
// set xxx
$newuser->set('field5', $xxx, true); // Custom field defined from 'User Profile Field Manager'
I have read about the data managers but am not sure what DM model I should be referencing when trying to save to this custom field.
Could anyone please advise.
Kind regards,