I use this addon for years and it was very helpfull for me to detect multiple account.
As you know there are 2 option to report detection.
New Thread Creation and sent PM
I have added some code to plugin and now it automaticly create/add "user notes" for multiple account.
to do;
Firstly open "
AE Detector: Login checker" plugin from pruducts and plugin/plugin management pages under "Multiple Login Detector" section.
And find
$ipaddress = $vbulletin->config['ae_adminip'];
after this line add all of following
//create a new usernote
$usernote_message = $message;
for ($i = 0; $i < (sizeof($Unums)); $i++) {
if (!empty($Unums[$i]) && is_numeric($Unums[$i])) {
$checkuser = $vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT username FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user WHERE userid={$Unums[$i]}");
$db->query_write("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "usernote (message, dateline, userid, posterid, title, allowsmilies) VALUES ('" . $db->escape_string($usernote_message) . "', " . TIMENOW . ", ".$Unums[$i].", 1, 'Coklu Uyelik', 1) ");
and save..
Next time it detect a multiple login account automaticly creta a user notes about multiple login.
PS. check your "USER NOTES" option for usergroups