Most people browsing the Internet are using AdBlockers all the time, making it pretty hard for smaller sites to earn revenues with Adsense and such, right ?
Let's say your site is made in such a way that your ads are well integrated, not anoying or flashing at all. The fact visitors see them doesn't affect their browsing experience at all, and gives you a chance to earn revenues in order to cover hosting fees.
There used to be a few mods on vB3 to do that:
A mod that displays a
notice asking users to disable their adblockers.
This notice is only displayed when an adblocker is detected. Once the adblocker is disabled, or the concerned site added to the visitor's white list, the notice is gone.
I already have a Javascript to detect adblockers, if that helps (It's tested and working on vB4):
<script type="text/javascript">
var ads = new Array('ad_global_below_navbar');
var msg = 'TEST';
onload=function() {
for(i in ads){
el = document.getElementById(ads[i]);
if (el.offsetHeight == 0){
alert('AdBlocker Activated');
It'd be great to have this mod working on vB4. I definitely understand that ads can be annoying for visitors when they aren't well integrated, when they are flashing and $h!t. On the other hand, why can't I earn minimum revenues from my ads to cover hosting fees ?
Let me know what you think