Originally Posted by berla
Great Job! I like it.
But I need al little modification on it:
The text is begining directly at the border of the textfield. This doesn't looks really good - so I will insert a space between border and text (5-10 px).
Please, where ist the right css definition to do this? In wich container, or waht I have to modify?
Thanks for help,
Hello Barla,
Thank you for kind words.
We are aware about the spacing you mention. Initially we had this fixed but unfortunately we had issues with some browser versions and since it's our philosophy not to make hard core template edits, we 've decided to leave this intact for the time being. We expect vBulletin to make a better div/styles structure of the CMS in the future releases.
On the other hand, you can try by yourself to give more spacing to your template by changing the width percentages of div.article_preview and .fullwidth in vbcms.css.