Originally Posted by gpc10347
Any chance of having the More smilies option open a window similar to the one used in the message editor?  (Sorry - really wanting to have that one)
You mean the categories ?
Originally Posted by Alfa1
Could you please add a report button for chats?
A chat report would work the same as a post report. The chat is quoted and posted in a post report forum.
That is already implemented.
Originally Posted by Ranger187
I think that AIML or whatever that old chat bot was...which is OPEN SOURCE... Could EASILY be developed into this..... If anyone has any experience with that AI bot... then I would suggest contacting VBDEV via a PM to see if he would approve of adding that. Otherwise the bot it 100% useless in my eyes.
I once looked at AIML that's not that easy honestly.
The bot I included is fairly simple and the one you suggest needs much work to be implemented.
Originally Posted by gpc10347
I got the AIML robot working within a thread of it's own and attempted to have it monitor the chat table but, never really explored going any farther. LOADS of work...
Within a thread ? What do you mean ?
Tell me more that might be helpfull to implement it.