i didnt thought that the author of vb link verifier bot, has the same attitude of vbulletin developers...but its sad to say they do same things:
he dont pay attention to the customers
he dont help customer questions (customer section)
he dont pay attention to reports (of bugs, suggestions)
if you buy a mod...it means you really need it (all of us bought something to use..because we need it).
so..how can i be happy, if i dont have a reply of
a bug reported 7 days ago?
worst at all..the
bug still in last vb link verifier bot version (launched 1 day ago...6 days after my bug report).
the author...release versions of this mod not very soon...so, if you report a bug, it will be luckly fixed next 2 months...(if phpkd wants).
Also, 4 days ago i have asked 2 questions about certain configuration options of the mod on the customer support (i should have priority help)...but i dont have any reply. I have sended 1 private message to PHPKD (the author of the mod and the owner of this forum) with the links of my two question but he never replied to me (and he has logged with his account yesterday).
he dont help customer questions (customer section).
so, if you are going to buy a licence of any mod of PHPKD...think it very well
i dont want to waste my money...and i think you dont want too....
I have bought a life licence of vb verifier bot....so, im a customer of the ultimate version of this product. Thats the main reason for argue
edit: i have been talking with the author, he told me those were exceptionals days of "poor support" (i think he couldnt stablish a internet conection).
Also he was positive with my message, thats good.