Originally Posted by Logician
Sorry, not quite understood. Can you please show me a sample URL?
Hi. Since it is my test site, it is not public yet, but maybe this photo will help explain what I am asking about
Attachment 119960
To restate the question:
When I create a new webtemplate page, there are two boxes at the top of the page. One is for the
WebTemplate Name and the next is for the
User Friendly Name. After creating the page, when I visit the page, the webtemplate name displays as:
Page Visit Log : (WebTemplate Name) not the User Friendly Name. That name displays under in a sub-heading.
I want to know if there is a way to not have the "Page Visit Log :" name and just have the friendly name that people can easily understand?
I hope I made my question more clear. Thanks so much for your help.