Originally Posted by Seatbelt99
I did not see this addressed in the previous 6 pages so hopefully it hasn't been.
Two Questions...
I want these things under my chat box. Is that possible?
See my forums for info: http://TrueCheaters.com/forums/
The Pro version lets you manually control the placement of the InfoPanels.
Originally Posted by Seatbelt99
Also - Is it possible to only have it display two of the "top X stats" things? Like I only want most viewed threads and latest posts.
That's currently not possible, no
Originally Posted by Pamela
Love this mod! But I'm getting a security token error when I click on "Mark Forums Read". The error says:
Your submission could not be processed because a security token was invalid. If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.
I'm running on 4.0.5. Can you please help? Thank you! 
Are you using the latest version? I believe I've fixed that problem...