I'm pretty rushed off my feet with work, home life and my own websites, I have managed to clear up some problems found with this style.
No version increment, haven't got time for all that, the new download have a bunch of fixes in place.
Originally Posted by crazyace
Got it installed. So when you mouse over someone in the members list, the Send PM or Send Email is blacked out.
Fixed, thanks for letting me know
Originally Posted by crazyace
The about me page is a little messed up.
That is a default vB4 style problem, look behind the text on the default style on that page, you will see the border line under the text, but I have fixed it.
Originally Posted by MrShides
Hi alice,
Just wanted to let you know, my members just informed me the search bar is missing from this style, so you can't do a full forum search without digging way down.
The search function is found in the quick links, it messed the navbar layout terribly, so I removed it from the navbar.
Originally Posted by Eneswar
Yea I just tried but it doesnt look pretty and its full with bugs when used with suite
Yes this style did have a few bugs, good job you're the kind of person who helps to sort things out instead of making dumb ass comments huh!