Please take attention that if you think all options from: Before Accepting Rules User Can Not... (mostly view forums and threads) then google boot is seeing for each thread the forum rules not the thread.
I dont know what is that but aparently I have change settings and marked view threads (or forums, I don't remember) too after a long time of using the product without problems and google stop indexing my pages as he was seeing only redirect screen to forum rules.
I have totaly crashed with google as it took me v long time to figure ( I used fetch as google boot from webmaster tools) that this was the cause.
I have now 370 links indexed out of 80.000!
I have unticked all boxes and all is working great. Checked with fetch as... also ...
I have no clue why is this happening but I am so bussy to find out, I am just happy to solve it. Wrote for reinclusion to google.
(I was also thinking it was the redirect hack widely spread lately, I could not confirm it as I have upgraded the forum first then I found about the hack).
PS. This is not intended to put the blame on coder (many thanks man for this wonderfull hack) but to avoid google problems. I might use it wrongly as I have remembered that forum rules where cookie based and was not showing for boots.