I have made a modification to allow HTML input from the WYSIWYG editor as well and it works, though I have noticed a bug.
HOOK LOCATION:wysiwyg_parse_start
// Was this post made by an allowed Usergroup member?
global $vbulletin, $permissions;
if ($permissions['allowhtmlpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_allowhtmlpermissions['canposthtml'])
//if ($this->registry->userinfo['allowhtmlpermissions'] & $this->registry->bf_ugp_allowhtmlpermissions['canposthtml'])
// This is an allowed post so parse HTML.
$allowhtml = '1';
// usergroup HTML disabled so use default forum permission.
$allowhtml = '0';
When a post is placed and one without rights to parse HTML is the first to view it directly (as in refresh the page and not just AJAXed in after editing), it places the code as typed, not parsed. Same the other way around. If one not allowed to post HTML posts HTML and an Admin is the first to view it, it is parsed. Is this a bug from the code I placed in there or a 'caching issue' from the previous posts (I couldn't follow the exact issue)?
If I can't get this to work, the owner of this forum wants to go back to allowing HTML from all, which I am highly against. Any help would be great.