Ok, I dont know what Im doing wrong but I cant seem to get the Facebook functionality to work with my forum (4.0.5).
I recompiled my php/apache/litespeed setup so cURL SSL is functional. Then on Facebook, I set up an application and got the relevant information. Then I went to my AdminCP > Facebook and:
- Checked Enabled
- Entered my Facebook Application ID
- Entered the Facebook Secret
- Didn't choose to add them to a secondary usergroup
- Enabled Auto-Register
Yet when I try to connect with a test FB account (in any browser while being logged off, I got the pop up to login with the FB credentials but it just refreshed to the home page still being logged off. Then I tried to register for the sake of it and clicked the FB log in button in the registration form and didn't get anything. I saw the little facebook profile box where the display pic would be but didn't see any profile picture showing up like I did on other sites where it worked properly.
Oh I should note that the template is pretty much the default theme with some color modifications, so I dont think there is any code irregularity.
Where am i going wrong