Originally Posted by RollaJedi
I apologize if this has been answered, but i have installed this now and its wonderful! The only problem i see though is my forum has been open for at least 5 years now so there are many members that have lots of posts and they registered way back when. Even people that havent got nearly as much or are kinda newer than that ALL are almost to reach level 100 or have done so already. Thats no fun. Is there a way for me to increase how many points it takes to go up to the next level? Thank you
Originally Posted by Phalynx
Maybe you missed the part about installing, espacially the part "3. Import a level product "vbexperience_level_1_?.xml" (see readme "Levels")."
There are instructions in the readme_levels.txt which level file should be imported. There are different level definitions as there are incomparable forums out there.
actually i did do that. My top users are all at level 100, even my not quite tops are averaging 95-97. I have the smallest level xml you have available. My site is around 300 people. What would you suggest? Thanks