Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider
Not sure what's going on, but this chatbox keeps killing the apache server.. Happened twice within 10min. All happened once I used vB3 notification option for vB4.
Well notifications aren't supported on vB4.
What exactly happened ? The Apache server ran away ?
Originally Posted by Jollyware
Any ideas on why the chatbox freezes with IE8 ?
What do you call freezes ?
Originally Posted by Iguana Goddess
Uninstalled...... can't fix the error. I don't understand why the coder doesn't just fix the issue.
Well... The coder has a life

Originally Posted by pedroenf
There is an error in the PM function. If another user sends me a PM it shows from wright initially, but after a refresh it shows from me instead of from the other user.
I know it happens sometimes, do you experience that all the time ?