Originally Posted by dbigras
There's definitely a bug with the Chatbox and connected users on my site. If I disable it for unregistered users, and I clean my sessions table, the connected users drop to 100. When I re-enable the Chatbox for unregistered users, bang, the connections spike in a matter of seconds and they all go in the Chatbox archive.
How can I disable the Archive for unregistered users?
We're experiencing this same issue on our forums (running 4.0.2PL4). We have guests disabled from viewing the chatbox, but there still seems to be a ton of spiderbots that get caught looking in the Chatbox Archive.
If you go to
http://www.spacetimestudios.com/online.php you can see all the guests that are viewing the chatbox archive.
I've tried disallowing guests from viewing the chatbox via the permissions, but it doesn't fix it.
I've tried including the below in my robots.txt file to keep the bots out of those pages:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /misc.php?do=ccarc
but I'm not sure if that's the correct way to do it.
We've just let it go, but we were up to like 8,000 connected users (when traffic to the site is usually around 100 or so peak time).
Any suggestions to correct this? We love the chatbox but would like the who's online section to reflect the accurate numbers of users.
Thanks in advance for any input you have.