Hi everyone,
I have been reading the articles on how to use custom PHP inside Vbulletin, but nothing I have found so far is related to what I'm trying to do
I'm no pro yet with the VB 4 plugin system since its changes from VB 3, though below is generally what I'm trying to accomplish:
PHP Code:
$XMLFILE = "http://domain.com/external.php?type=rss2&forumids=4";
$TEMPLATE = "http://domain.com/template.html";
$MAXITEMS = "100";
$rssinc = ob_get_contents();
vB_Template::preRegister('vbcms_page',array('rssinc' => $rssinc));
RSS2HTML also offer's these methods:
Server Side Include:
PHP Code:
<!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL="rss2html.php?XMLFILE=http://domain.com/external.php/external.php?type=xml&forumids=4&TEMPLATE=http://domain.com/template.html&MAXITEMS=100" -->
Prefered PHP Include:
PHP Code:
$XMLFILE = "http://domain.com/external.php?type=xml&forumids=4";
$TEMPLATE = "http://domain.com/template.html";
$MAXITEMS = "100";
PHP Include (Due to security concerns many ISP have configured their servers to prevent this from working):
PHP Code:
Could someone help me find a way so that I could use just a simple variable such as:
{vb:raw rss2html} inside a template?