For some reason I have a problem with this mod. Are we able to have more than 1 block? I see in your picture that you have "blockid:block_html_2" and "blockid:block_html_7"
But when I try to create more than one block and I look for the block id's via the switch, it shows:
"Blockid:block_" and "Blockid:block_html_5"
Whats going on with the "first" block? Did I make an error somewhere when setting it up?
I got it working! Heres how I did it. When it was showing the block id's, part of the display was
class="blockbody floatcontainer restore">
..As the OP mentioned in an earlier post, go to AdminCP -> Plugins & Products -> Plugin Manager -> Edit the file "sidebar_global" -> and replace every instance of
"blockbody floatcontainer"
"blockbody floatcontainer restore"
and save.. There should be three (3) instances