So far so good...:up: The only thing I found that need a bit of something... Like a delete function is point converter... If you mess up a entry and need to delete one there is no way to delete it only to disable it.
Other than that I love it so far... I'm still working on my design and layout of the functions. So it going to be interesting...
Oh Mayhem... I got another one that pop to mind! Is there any way to buy a subscription and not a actual usergroup? Because I'm building a point system for subscription base... Say you need X amount of points to buy 1 year subscription for premium membership.
How about another angle too? (Yeah I'm full of idea) The previous vBexperience was rigged with its market ot buy downloads from Downloads II or simular mod is that possible with PM?
I'm going to help you build the greatest mod for VB4 yet...