Hi. I've a problem with png images, appears this message:
Sorry, your image could not be uploaded because the format of it is not allowed. Allowed formats are GIF, JPEG, and PNG. The format of the file you uploaded is image/png.
There is solution for this?
edit: Fixed:
Originally Posted by derekivey
Ok, Open add_site.php, edit_site.php, and toplist_admin.php (2 instances), and find a line like this:
PHP Code:
if ($image_type == "image/gif" OR $image_type == "image/pjpeg" OR $image_type == "image/x-png")
Replace it with:
PHP Code:
if ($image_type == "image/gif" OR $image_type == "image/pjpeg" OR $image_type == "image/png" OR $image_type == "image/x-png")