Originally Posted by borbole
You can use whatever words you want and not only weired characters and symbols.
Anyway, use this query
UPDATE post SET pagetext = replace(pagetext, ‘text you want to replace’, ‘replacament text’);
And replace text you want to replace’, ‘replacament text’ accordingly.
If your db tables use a prefix, then you should include it in the query by appending it to the table name.
As you see, my problem is that the weird caracteres are not the same in all posts. I dont want to view the thread, copy the "[spoiler:dasda]" and then make a query.
I have 200.000 posts in my forum, for at least 100.000 have the spoiler tag, for example, and, every post have the "[spoiler:something here]", but never repeat. It is always diferente.
The query i was looking for are some "regex" replace. This is possible? Look for some word that is not always the same throug a replace query in SQL...
Sorry about my english!