Alternate Method- no external file.
1. In Style Manager -> All Style Options edit the
headinclude Template for each style
At the bottom add:
<script type="text/javascript">
function makeHex()
this.length = 16;
this[1] = "0";
this[2] = "1";
this[3] = "2";
this[4] = "3";
this[5] = "4";
this[6] = "5";
this[7] = "6";
this[8] = "7";
this[9] = "8";
this[10] = "9";
this[11] = "A";
this[12] = "B";
this[13] = "C";
this[14] = "D";
this[15] = "E";
this[16] = "F";
return this;
newHex = new makeHex();
function con2hex (x)
if( x < 17)
x = 16;
var top = (x / 16);
var sub = top + '';
sub = sub.substring (0, 2);
top = parseInt (sub, 10);
var before = newHex[top + 1];
var bot = x - top * 16;
if (bot < 1)
bot = 1;
sub = bot + '';
sub = sub.substring (0, 2);
bot = parseInt (sub, 10);
var after = newHex[bot + 1];
var thestring = before + '' + after;
return thestring;
function fadeText (intext)
intext = intext.substring (0, intext.length);
colorx = 255;
z = colorx / intext.length;
for (var i = 0; i < intext.length; i++)
colorx = 255 * Math.sin (i / (intext.length / 3));
colory = con2hex (colorx);
colorz = z * i;
colorw = con2hex(colorz);
k = intext.length;
j = k - i;
if(j < 0)
j = 0;
coloru = z * j;
colorv = con2hex(coloru);
document.write("<font color=\"#" + colorv + colory + colorw + "\">" + intext.substring(i, i + 1) + "</font>")
Add a new BBCode
Title: Text Fade
BB Code Tag Name: fade
Example: [fade]This code fades text in a rainbow.[/fade]
Note- the example won't work in Admin CP because the standard header is not loaded, but it will work in your forum.
Description: This uses javascript to make a smooth rainbow effect in text.
Use Option: No
Button Image: (optional)

Remove Tag If Empty: Yes
Disable Options: Yes
except disable word wrapping: No
All the same limitations as the original method in the top post apply.