I have been developing an application/plug-in that allows you to read and post to message boards via IM. Here is a sample chat log between me and the bot I have running for my board:
(4:16:43 PM) xxx@gmail.com/23544D40: lt
(4:16:44 PM) AMBBot:
Threads in `General`
Page 1 of 1959 (5 per page)
1. #Wacky Wednesday! (8) - Today 3:04PM by Max Power
2. *Vuvuzela Time! (6) - Today 2:31PM by rodan44
3. on a broken bike?!?!?! (8) - Today 10:56AM by Max Power
4. AMB Needs a Reimaging.. (24) - Today 9:24AM by Chook
5. Going for an entire day without a post (23) - Yesterday 7:57AM by rodan44
(4:16:51 PM) xxx@gmail.com/23544D40: 2
(4:16:52 PM) AMBBot:
Thread: Vuvuzela Time! - 6/21/2010 8:17PM created by Vlassili
Posts: Page 1 of 2 (5 per page)
1. "http://www.vuvuzela-ti..." - 6/21/2010 8:17 PM by Vlassili
2. "http://img293.imagesha..." - 6/23/2010 1:13 PM by The Hair
3. "This is one of those t..." - 6/23/2010 1:54 PM by randommosaic
4. "I miss the World Cup a..." - 7/4/2010 3:13 PM by Max Power
5. *"ghey" - Today 1:20 PM by HHRLisa
(4:16:54 PM) xxx@gmail.com/23544D40: 1
(4:16:55 PM) AMBBot:
6/21/2010 8:17 PM by Vlassili
(4:16:56 PM) xxx@gmail.com/23544D40: n
(4:16:57 PM) AMBBot:
6/23/2010 1:13 PM by The Hair
(4:16:58 PM) xxx@gmail.com/23544D40: n
(4:16:59 PM) AMBBot:
This is one of those things I wish they could un-invent
6/23/2010 1:54 PM by randommosaic
The project is open source at:
I was hoping to find some people who would be interested in Alpha testing this with me before I release it to the general public. The bot is a .NET application that needs to be ran on a computer (a server essentially) that is connected and online all the time. If you do not have this, I can run the bot portion for you on my test machine.
I've been using this on my own for a a couple months now but as always the case, it is difficult for just one person to successfully find flaws/bugs/errors in development. So anyone willing to run this would be great!
Please let me know!