Originally Posted by EquinoxWorld
Hello Jaxel, I was wondering if you can help us out with this one; we have a bit of a concern with the search feature. Let's say someone wants to search for and episode of "Bleach" and the episode 240 . Now let's say the actual video is named "bleach - 240" ; if you search for just "bleach 240" (without the dash) the video will not appear in search; if you type "bleach - 240" exactly how the name is then the video will come up in the search results. My question would be how can I broaden the search to include only letter maybe or not so specific to allow for more results possibilities maybe? Any light yourself or anyone can shine on our concern please don't be shy. We have close to 20,000 videos and it is very hard to find a specific one because of the nature of our implementation of the mod so any help we can receive would be immensly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
Next version of this mod will have BOOLEAN search.