Originally Posted by Dragonsys
With your manual edits to modifyoptions above, the problem is, if the Admin does not allow members to email other members, these options will not show in the UserCP. I think that since the Newsletter will usually come from an Admin, the options should be available regardless of the Members being able to email each other. To correct this the <vb:if> statements should be removed (they are not included in the xml file either).
Also, IMHO, it looks better if you put a space in between the check box and the label. To do this, you just need to insert a space before the phrase. I have included the code for both items above, in the below box (this is both check boxes):
<label for="commbull"><input type="checkbox" name="commbull" value="1" id="commbull" tabindex="1" {vb:raw checked.receivebulletin} /> {vb:rawphrase receive_email_from_commbull}</label>
<input type="hidden" name="set_options[receivebulletin]" value="1" />
<label for="commbull_type"><input type="checkbox" name="commbull_type" value="1" id="commbull_type" tabindex="1" {vb:raw checked.receivebulletin_type} /> {vb:rawphrase type_email_from_commbull}</label>
<input type="hidden" name="set_options[receivebulletin_type]" value="1" />
Thank you. The reason I used the if statements is because I don't want the member to be receiving the newsletters if s/he's unchecked the "Receive Email from Administrators" checkbox.
I've never had the email other members option disabled - I'll look further into this.