I do not know the answer to your problem. However, I wish to address your claim that a loophole will be found.
With creativity in our random questions bots will never make it through. If for example we all get different pictures of animals and ask a user to identify the animal ect. If we do what I do with my random question.
The mod you yourself have that sets a registration time limit 'Stop the Registration Bots' formerly knows as 'isbot' has been around for 3 years or so. It still catches 95% of bots! Why have the spammers not figured out how to overcome 'isbot'?
The answer is simple, they know how to but they wont bother. I would say that 90% of forums out there are no at all protected.
So they rather have their bots attempt to sign up to 1,000 forums at 2 seconds per forum. Maybe they get 900 successful registrations. It costs then 2,000 seconds or so.
If they set a bot to take 30 seconds on each reg page it would take 30,000 seconds. That is over 8 hours!
Considering that xrummer blasts usually number in the 5,000-10,000 to overcome 'isbot' they would need to have a computer running 40-80 hours to register to forums. It is simply not viable.
isbot is not a band-aid solution!
All a forum needs is the isbot mod and creativity with random questions.
Enjoy making your mod though, however useless it may be. If I could help I would, I suggest you ask for help somewhere else though. People here never listen.