I dont need advice on how to get rid of bots!
I have been able to stop them already! As mentioned in the OP and in the 3rd post which is also mine. And again now.
I need advice on how to edit the register.php file
Can someone help me in regards to this?????????
I want to do more than simply rename a damn file.
I dont want to disclose what i plan to do ultimately until i complete and test it.
What i do want is advice on a simple file edit!!
I have asked at vbulletin.com <- not allowed! What that site is for i have no idea. I cant ask about editing code and i cant ask for someone to do it for me. Really apart from purchase what is the point of the .com address??
I have asked at vbulletin.org <- And here we are? .
Look i am new to VB and I had invisioned many active members who would be willing to assist.
I must admit i do feel a little the fool now. A mate and a great coder for MyBB did tell me i would not get what i expected out of VB.
Hate to say it. But to date he has actually been spot on.
Side note to anyone that cares to listen.
I dont want to rely on any of the bot products here.
Why? Simple. The marketers who use tools such as xrummer also participate in places like this.
So any way we attempt to stop the bots will ultimately be worked around at some point.
The capture is a good example of this.
To make new registrations jump through 30 hoops and clap 62 times is not the way to fix this problem i assure you. Thats called a bandaid fix.
Further more. If everyone is using a mod that works great and stops bots. How long before a hole is found? Seriously. People spend countless hrs trying to get past these sort of things. They will always win.
Anyway thats me having a winge. Notice the over usage of exclamation points? lmao
Seriously though. I really really really really want to be able to edit the file.
So i would love advice on this and perhaps not on the other ways to stop bots.
Although i do appreciate the advice.
Perhaps a different way to get this answer?
Anyone know of any ACTIVE forums for vb help etc?
(sits back and patiently waits expecting a few replies today

or tomorrow
