Finally! vBExperience has gone GOLD.
I've just uploaded the final version of vBExperience 4.0 for vBulletin 4.0.x.
Upgrade Instructions
1. Copy ALL (I mean ALL - That is a common error!) files from upload_via_ftp/ to the server.
2. ReImport product_vbexperience400.xml, allow overwrite
3. If you modified any of the vBExperience templates, revert them
4. Run AdminCP/Experience/Recount
Upgrade from vBExperience 3.8:
1. Install the product here: ZIP\extras\Remove vBExperience\install_this_to_upgrade_from_xperienc e38.xml". This product contains a fix to uninstall the old product without problems.
2. Uninstall vBExperience 3.8 product. DON'T USE KILL_EXPERIENCE!
3. Read the normal steps "Upgrade Instructions" above
Changelog from vBExperience 3.8.4:
*** Overall
- Reworked templates to fit into the new vBulletin 4 style
- Notification on Awards, Promotions and Achievements
- Activity has been extended to count also activities for 7 and 30 days, additionally to the default 60 days (configurable). Activitiy is now based not only on postings/messages, all actions that are calculated by vBExperience are taken into account.
- Progress Bars in 10 colours like black, silver, pink, red, turquoise, purple, orange, blue, green, yellow. Easily add your own color that fits best to your style.
- Much more Icons to choose from (downloadable extra icon pack must be uploaded to xperience/icons)
- New Option to display the level and points below postcount
*** Rewards: Achievements and Awards
- New feature: Achievements. Similar to Awards, every user can get achievements as a reward for actions.
- Achievements: A lot of new pre defined awards and achievements.
If you want to import the new, you need to clear and create default awards/achievements in the AdminCP. Your self defined awards and achievements gets lost.
- Achievements: Remove achievement if condition is not met anymore (configurable via "Can lose")
- Awards and Achievements Showcase on profile
*** Insight
- New feature: Insight Experience. The insight into your personal experience and what's going on on the community.
Currently support basic services, there are plans to extend this with helpful hints on how progress, depending on users points. Also a statistics module is in work.
Insight is now the starting point using vBExperience.
*** Promotions
- New feature: Promotions. Promote your users to another usergroup based on vBExperience points. Fully customizable. Promotions are showing usergroups and conditions for a promotion to the next group. Promotions are also showing which benefits and permissions/allowances you get with a promotion.
You can import old vBExperience Legacy promotions (that were created within level.xml)
- AdminCP: Choose images for awards and achievements with a preview of that image (sorted)
- AdminCP: Manual recount for promotions and achievements
*** Plugins
- The CDP Plugin Interface changed, all plugins have been touched to make sure they are compatible.
- Fully supporting Point Market System v3
- Now supporting earning points also with:
-- Discussion Ender. Who was always the last who posted in a thread? Who is a discussion killer? Find it out. (included)
-- Arm of Law (included)
-- Who Downloaded This Attachment? (included)
-- DownloadsII v6 (included)
-- LDM Links and Downloads Manager (included)
-- Abe1 Post Thank You / Use of Post Thank You (plugin)
-- DBTech Advanced Post Thanks/Like (Lite) (plugin)
-- DBTech Advanced @UserTag (plugin!)
-- Helpful Answers (plugin)
-- iTrader (plugin)
-- ibProArcade (plugin!)
-- v3arcade Champions and Submissions (plugin!)
-- vB Tournaments and Ladders (plugin!)
-- Advanced Forum Points - set points independent for every forum (plugin!)
-- IWT Time Spent Online (plugin!)
*** Languages
- Language file provided for german, french, portuguese, chinese simplified. Spanish, turkish, polish and persian needs some missing phrases.
I need you! If you are a native speaker and want to translate the missing phrases, please contact me.