Originally Posted by intelgio2
I have installed the module and everything works fine with the exception of the image tags populating. The URL tags populate fine.
I have tried to add just the photo and am unable to.
I have the same issue as intelgio2, only url populated.
[ center ][ img ][ /img ]
[ url='http://www.miniclub.se/testvb/album.php?albumid=2&attachmentid=2451' ][ /url ][ /center ]
Installed on vb 4.0.4 PL1, not sure if its a conflict with other plugins or not.
While writing this I tested some more and found that all medium options produce this.
You have a note in the config about problems with medium so I guess its all fine.
One other problem though, orig_2_gallery_link_below produce the following:
[ center ][ img ]http://www.miniclub.se/testvb/attachment.php?attachmentid=2491[ /img ]
[ url='http://www.miniclub.se/testvb/album.php?albumid=2&attachmentid=2491' ][ /center ]
Ie, no closing [ /url ] and url description/text.