Hey all... I play around with some graphic editors but I'm far from very good at this... for a couple years now we've been using the attached logo but if someone out there could make it better they'd have my sincere thanks, and if it can be of any use a banner ad on my site for a year. The current logo is supposed to resemble a highway sign, if that fact could be maintained it would be great but I am open to anything, we are an off-topic forum so anything can work... for a short while we had the bunny with a pancake on its head as an 'unofficial' logo.
Ideally you could supply a full sized photoshop or paint shop pro or other image and a resized gif or png similar in size/shape to the current one.
the site is
www.juot.net/forums/ if you want to get a 'feel' for the site.
Thanks for any help you may be able to offer.