Hello Kall, I was interesting only to how remove the ID from the CMS article's url, not section, category, forum or thread, . Only CMS article's url.
Follow the best directives regard the best url format from "SEO Google Starter Guide", from advice of Matt Cutts, and from the official Google Blog, everyone says clearly that using a number with more digits in the url is useless. Then I wondered if as with Joomla, Wordpress, etc., even by vBulletin CMS was possible to set up a simple URL like with the "name article" -
Because it would undoubtedly be the best url to use.
Regard two articles with same name, with Wordpress, Joomla, etc., they automatically add "2" at the second article; howeaver, I think it's enough to make a bit of attention, very few times I happened to write two articles with the same name, almost never.