wow... i've thought i have made this hack very clear, but i guess plain english isnt good enough
like i've mentioned earlier, this hack was spun off of role playing games (i.e. final fantasy). hp stands for health points. the more your points, well.... the better your health is. mp stands for magic points, your ability to cast certain spells and such. and, well... you know what experience is.
now, what drives this entire system is this one code:
$level = pow (log10 ($post[posts]), 3);
what that code does is set the standard at when a member is able to level up, and how much hp/mp s/he should recieve. a low level member is able to reach the next level very easily (only requiring a handful of posts). those at the high end levels would require a whole lot more posts to achieve the next level.
the rise and fall of the hp meter is determine by this variable $postperday. what that does is take the total number of posts and devide it by the total number of days the person has been registered. the quotient is then taken and divided even further by the max hp... by doing so, it gives me a percentage that changes constantly.
i've feel that i've explained everything the best way that i could. any further would be me teaching you how to read and understand php... or any programming language for the matter. none of this is technical, it's mostly multiplication and division. this was my very first project with php. i knew nothing about it. but what i did was open a math book and headed to
you give a man a fish, he feeds for a day.
you teach a man to fish, he feeds for life.