Without Prejudice
Originally Posted by mikeinjersey
I've read your entire blog site, but why not just give us an exact example of this deceptiveness that he is using ?
You just said you read it, so you would have clearly read:
Originally Posted by mikeinjersey
It sounds like the same minor things that vbSkin developers do. Some hidden keywords here and there , to help get their own site more easily ranked on search engines. Its so easy to see that type of coding and remove it before installing the plugin anyway.
Agreed. Did exactly that, then he cancelled my license, wouldn't refund me, then sent my host a DMCA to have my site closed. He is doing something illegal, yet trying to have me punished for doing exactly what you stated above. Reasonable action IMHO! My lawyer is now in discussion with my hosts lawyer to work through this due to doing exactly what you stated above Mike. Michal Podbielski's arrogance severely got in the way of honesty, integrity and common-sense IMHO.
Originally Posted by mikeinjersey
And why is it that you just happen to own vbenterprisetranslator.info ? Sounds to me like somebody stole your idea & your a little upset about it.
Mike, please check the date that site was registered... as I registered it due to this nonsense that he created, not me. I am not the one who hid deceptive coding, then took my money, cancelled my license and tried to have my site closed as a result.
I have asked him nicely to retract his nonsense, my lawyer asked him nicely, he refused and stated I was committing software piracy and all sorts of nonsense. Not exactly my first course of action, though I won't tolerate such nonsense from this person. No doubt a nice bloke, I know he makes good software, but he stepped way over the line this time.