All I can say is there are some here who are "Above" their intelligence and what I mean by that is... they are just flat our rude people who know vBulletin and much more and who do not deserve the brain they have. So it goes both ways we have other intelligent human beings who see and ignore issues OR simply give vague and condescending remarks assuming or simply not caring that regular, non-coders or non-designers should be required to know the basics... that's not the case with anything and a major lesson to learn in life i.e. patience and actually working with someone. Now on the other hand you have those like AnimeMike said up above, all they do is ask ask ask and take take take. I do support my mods although may not check them daily so if someone needs support all they need to do is quite being timid and PM me - some coders do not like that so it's hard to define exactly what good support or simply being helpful is as that applies to the person doing just that, either being helpful or offering full support.
What I can say is rude is rude, no way around that and if more of the ones who actually know something around here would man (or woman) UP we could have a better community and I'm not directing that towards the admins in the least, I think many of you have in mind how this site should be ran not taking into account how it is actually ran which is pretty straight forward and to the point... the only community that actually allows the members to reply to issues where trust is a major factor but we waste it away day after day with some of these silly posts and arguing amongst ourselves.
I do think one thing should change... this one simple thing would go a long way... when you find an answer to something you have posted about, an issue let you were having etc.. if you find the solution.. don't come back and edit out the entire post OR simply post.. I found the fix/answer/solution... WHAT WAS IT???!!!! Someone in the future will Google or hunt down that thread/post based on search results or keywords and the answer they need is simply not there only a vague.. "I found my fix xxxx, good luck hehehe" because that's what I see and take those type of post as all the time and it's a waste of space imo and time on the posters end.
Just my 2 cents, as I always say "as always, this was all imo".