Originally Posted by JacquiiCooke
Thanks for responding Robbie!
Can you be more specific please? Which youtube xml file am I look for? I've searched all files included in the download and do not see the text <svcWidth> in any of the files...
Export your youtube hoster as an xml file, once downloaded edit it and find the line below, see my values, perfect for youtube wide screen (width="540" height="360") - if you make it 640x you get black bars either side left and right.
return '<embed src="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/' . $videoid . '&autoplay=' . $autoplay . '&fs=' . $fullscreen . '&rel=' . $related . '&hq=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="540" height="360" wmode="transparent"></embed>';
then re-import! - done! good luck