My other question is about using the posts that this program pulls as
Highlights to drive more traffic to my board as opposed to having this program show the entire post. What I'm trying to get is the same effect like over on the Yahoo clubs boards if anyone is familiar with the way those work. What they have over there is when you visit a club, the
most recent 5 messsges show with: the Headline of the message, the name of the poster, the Date of the posting, (
and here's the tricky(?) part....), the
first sentence or so of the text of the post (not the entire post).
Check out this club on Yahoo to see what I'm talking about
See how this welcome page over at this Yahoo club shows a "
highlight" of the 5 most recent messages?
Is there any way this can this be done with this PluhNews program?
First off ... the PluhNews would have to get the 5 most recent thread posts based on date (not just get the 5 most recently created threads as it does now).
Secondly, is there a way to have this program only show the first sentence or so of the text in the post?