I here by nominate my board for consideration of BOTM
Site Name: Diesel Bombers
URL: http://www.dieselbombers.com
Description: Diesel Bombers Diesel Enthusiast Community
Diesel Bombers is the online destination for all things diesel related. Since March 13th 2007, Diesel Bombers has provided an open forum for the exchange of information. This web site features technical tips, maintenance basics, product evaluations, owners stories, industry news, vehicle history, development and much much more.
Diesel Bombers prides its self on having a ton of features and lightning fast speeds. They have obtained this with constant attention to detail and customization, the site runs on multiple secured servers to improve members services and site operations for the best end user experiences possible.
With the ever advancing functionality of Diesel Bombers and dedication and commitment of the community to furthering diesel engines acceptance and advancements in today's world, Diesel Bombers has proven that when a hobby turns in to a passion anything is possible.
What started as a small forum in 2007 has adapted in to a online diesel informational authority and has spawned an entire sub culture to where "Bombers" has became an industry staple in referring to those who modify a diesels stock form to increase power , durability , drive ability and longevity.
Reason for Nomination: A lot of hard work over the last 3 years has went into the site , Diesel Bombers has been on National Television 3 Times and in National Circulated Print 20 times. Right now if you pick up a Diesel World Magazine turn to page 107 to see our full page ad. As well we are the official forum for the NADM which is the worlds only sanctioning body for Diesel Powered Motorsports.
Current Stats:
Total Threads: 49,010
New in the Last 24hrs: 60
Total Posts: 556,828
New in the Last 24hrs: 458
Total Members: 23,367
New in the Last 24hrs: 30