Originally Posted by trilogy33
Have a look at mine: http://www.mx5nem.org.uk/albumall.php?
My thumbnail pics are set to 100x75 which for me are ample enough.
Can you add a screenshot or link to your public albums? I may be able to help out here.
Other than that, uninstall and reinstall the product to see if that resets the dimensions.
Originally Posted by HCGB
The vB CSS dynamically calculates the div size using the current admincp thumbnail dimensions - unless you've messed with the CSS as a previous poster suggested?
Where do you configure this ?
Are we talking, because that is also for posts/theads?
"Message Attachment Options"
Thumbnail Size
Maximum width and height that the thumbnail can have. The image will be proportionately resized so that the longest side is no larger than this setting. If you change this setting, you will need to go to Maintenance -> Update Counters -> Rebuild Attachment Thumbnails.
Works fine with VB 4.0.4 PL1